May 11, 2008

back in the Laos again

Have been so excited to come back to Laos and continue doing interactive science experiments that its a little strange to actually be here. Staying up till 3 am to say goodbye to new Japanese friends in Bangkok doesn't help, nor does going from the icebox of the airplane cabin to the sweltering heat of a tuk tuk. But hey, I'm here.

So I'm back with the plan to stay for a couple months doing interactive science and making arrangements to come back next year.

May 3, 2008

Momos with Dolma

Dolma invited Sandie and I over to make real momos at her house. Little blighters aren't as easy to make as you think. A simple flour and water mixture gets rolled into millimeter thick patties by the mother. The meat filling is already prepared and consists of minced meat, onions, cilantro and spices - quite fragrant even raw. A small dab in the middle and folding class begins. After we had made a couple hundred they got steamed and we had a feast! Delicious!

Mom making Momos Making Momos

An enjoyable afternoon talking and making momos and doing laps around Bouddanath.

Such simple pleasures filled the day: Talking with Dolma and her brother while making our own tsampa for breakfast. Tsampa is a traditional Tibetan food made from buckwheat flour, butter, and butter tea - a doughy version of cream of wheat. Doing laps around Bouddanath in the energy of OM MANI PADME HUM and the smell of fresh ground incense burning strong.

Spray paint on a brick wall reads "Stop killing in Tibet" and I am instantly brought back to the reality of the Tibetan people who live as refugees with limited rights and yet continue to be most hospitable people.

Thank you for a wonderful afternoon Dolma.

Sekuwa with Sabena

Dinner at Bajeko Sekuwa, serving a variety of smoked meats. Yum! Must have been wine colored shirt day, not sure why we were all wearing the same color that night...
Sabena and Sandie on Sekuwa nightJustin eats sekuwa

It was so good, I went back a few nights later with Raj and Sebena.
RajSabena (the witch)

Unfortunately, Sandie was super sick and couldn't join us. Fortunately, there was jolly Shandy on hand to make a toast in her absence!
Jolly Shandy Toast

Thanks Sabena (the witch) for two great evenings of sekuwa!

May 1, 2008

Dinner at Ruth's rooftop cafe

Ruchi and Sandie on the Roof Trekking friends get together for an evening of tofu burritos at Ruth's rooftop cafe. After shopping in the dark at the local grocery store for ingredients we convened for cooking duties. Sandie directed activities. Ruth made beans in the pressure cooker. Ruchi made chapati. I just hung around and drank wine.

What a lovely evening with a couple of new friends from the UK.

Cafe Ruth

Yes Ruchi, the chapati queen, can actually cook!
Chapati Queen