July 31, 2008

the VIP movies

Handsome guy at the movies The guys traveling with me to Bangkok had never been to a movie theater. Of course we wanted to catch a flick while we were here but the only tickets left for Journey to the Center of the Earth were VIP tickets. You only live once right...

So I've never been to a VIP movie theater either, first time experience for me too... The theater has about 12 tables, each seating area with two electronic reclining chairs! We ordered popcorn and drinks from our waiter. Have you ever had a waiter in a movie theater?? hahaha

This is a photo of Porjoua wearing his new shirt to movies.

July 30, 2008

National Science Museum in Bangkok

Yachengly learns angular momentum National Science Museum
A whole museum full of interactive science. I was in heaven. We stayed and played with the science stations all day we were having so much fun. Actually they kicked us out before we had time to try everything. I got lots of ideas of new interactive science experiments to try. The staff favorite was having a conversation via parabolic dishes across the room.

The staff had a great time experimenting with all of the science stations and learned lots of science. They got to experience great service as users of the museum that they can hopefully in turn use as a model for providing great service back home.

We watched a science show on electricity that was fabulous. The guy doing the show was part comedian, part magician and part mad scientist - I think he's my hero.


July 27, 2008

Siam Ocean World

Three handsome guys After last nights trip to the book tower we wanted to go somewhere different today. Off to Siam Ocean World, the biggest aquarium in South-East Asia... Some highlights from the aquarium: touching star fish and shark pods, penguin and sea turtle feeding, an underwater magic show, spitting archer fish, jellyfish... We followed the theme of strategies for adaptation and survival through the aquarium as we related it to three Laos guys adapting and surviving the culture shock of Bangkok...

Waiting for the glass bottom boat And riding in a glass bottom boat in the shark tank!

For the second day in a row, the guys filled up their cameras with photos.


July 26, 2008

Book Buying in Bangkok

Our plane Waiting at the Airport

Left for Bangkok today with Carol and three staff members from the library. We plan to visit the National Science Museum, the aquarium in Siam and go to as many bookstores as time allows. Oh yeah, and we'll buy some Thai books and science equipment for the library.

Lots of first-time experiences for three Hmong guys who grew up in dirt-floor huts. A few from today: First time on an airplane. First time in a six-story book store. First time on the skytrain. First time on an escalator. First time going 130 kph in a taxi.

After a traditional Thai/Laos lunch of sticky rice and grilled fish we branched out a little and tried Mexican food for dinner. They were good sports about it...
mexican food

Checking out the spoils from the first day.
checking out the new books

The trip promises to be unlike any previous trips to Bangkok...

July 16, 2008

library users

Library Users Some library regulars enjoying the comfy chair and being hams for the camera.

July 12, 2008

Science of Sound

Saturday is staff training day. The idea is to teach the staff who have reasonable English skills who then in turn teach library users. But sometimes I think we enjoy ourselves too much and just call it "learning".

Making Music

We made at least a dozen instruments, how many can you identify? We learned about vibrations and transmission of sound. Mostly we just made a lot of noise.

July 8, 2008

Food crisis celebration

Might as well celebrate the world food crisis with a feast. Read the full article if you haven't seen it already:
