December 2, 2007

Mount Pousi HDR

View from Mount Phousi View from Mount Phousi (HDR image) View from Mount Phousi (HDR image)

Two images from the Wat on Mount Phousi. If you have been to Luang Prabang you know this temple because it is on top of a mountain in the middle of town, you can see it from everywhere.

The first image is an unprocessed image exposing on the landscape outside. What a view! The second image is a combination of 5 images created using HDR freeware. Although I am not totally happy with the flat, muddy HDR image, it is more interesting than the first image. UPDATE: second try with a little more local contrast gives better feeling of depth.

Tip of the hat to SanchoTramp for pointing me to the HDR freeware to create HDR images! Check out his blog: Sancho Goes Walkabout


Sancho said...

Nice work dude! I thought you might like that tip. When does teaching start in earnest?

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.