December 4, 2010

Back in Bangkok

Heading back to the USA via Bangkok today, really looking forward to a few days to clear my head before I hit American soil. I'm staying at my favorite guesthouse in Bangkok, the Sukhumvit On-Nut Guesthouse where they all speak
Isaan. It's fun to speak Lao with them and confuse the locals. hahaha

The airport was a bit of an adventure today, Lao airlines refused to let me on the plane, they wouldn't issue me a ticket because I didn't have 6 months validity left on passport. Actually, the manager made a point of ripping up the ticket in front of me, it's illegal for me to be in Thailand he said and Lao airlines can't help me break the law. He said I had to get the embassy to send my passport to Luang Prabang. Knowing that I already tried to get the embassy to send my passport to Vientiane, that wasn't going to happen.

I realized one of my coping mechanisms; I thought about the day my dad died and the ensuing weeks - today would be a million times easier than that day. I took a deep breath and started joking with the guy in my best Lao. We agreed that if I signed a paper saying I wouldn't hold the airlines responsible for my breaking the law and printed out my next ticket to Tokyo it would be OK to try. oiyoiyoi.

I was rewarded with an amazing sunrise over the Lao hills flooding with fog. Truly spectacular.

Sunrise over Lao hills

December 1, 2010

Forgive Me

Somehow there are 9 months of my life missing on the blog. The 9 months I just spent in Laos teaching science... My apologies to my friends and family. I will do better.

February 19, 2010

Farewell Party

Thanks for the going away party my friends!

Going Away Party Going Away Party

Going Away Party Going Away Party

Going Away Party

Thanks to my cousin Danny and the Catch-22 Lounge for hosting the party.

March 30, 2009

10 days of Vipassana Meditation

It was an experience of challenges.

The evening of the first night following an orientation I took a vow of noble silence, that is, no speaking, no eye contact and no gestures. The next morning I woke to the reverberation of a gong at 4 am. The first morning we took a vow to follow the five basic precepts: not killing, not stealing, not making sexual misconduct, not telling lies, and abstaining from intoxicants.

Imagine spending 10 days:
...not talking at all... with roommates with which you were not allowed to speak, make gestures or eye contact...
...sitting on a cushion with your legs crossed for 10+ hours a day...
...eating strictly vegetarian only twice a day...
...without a cell phone, Internet connection or TV...

None of the challenges when taken individually are that difficult but when taken as a whole it presents quite a challenge to the body and the mind. All in all, I would say it was an amazing experience.

10 Words to describe the 10 days:
Torture. Bliss. Daydreaming. Sore back. Eating slowly. Sitting. Respiration. Attention.


March 18, 2009

meditation retreat

Leaving for a 10-day meditation retreat this afternoon.

Vipassana meditation.

I want to improve my ability to concentrate on a single thing.
I want to understand the life the novice monks of Laos lived everyday.
I want to experience first hand the methods of improving ones awareness.

Here's the website for the Vipassana course that I took:

March 17, 2009

curious coincidence

Eleven years since Dad died. I can't believe it's been so long. I'm surprisingly peaceful today. Don't misunderstand, I miss him terribly. But there is a difference between fighting the reality of the world and accepting the reality of the world. I've made a lot of progress.

I moved a pillow down to the floor so I could practice sitting Indian-style while writing email and a funny thing happened...

My right eye lined up perfectly with the peephole in the door and the sun. I was blinded with blue light. It felt like I was getting zapped with brilliant laser. If I moved my head slightly to left or right I could see brilliant reds and purples. It felt like looking into a rainbow end-wise.

I felt an immediate need to write my sister and tell her about it but wasn't sure what to write when... She called on the phone.

It was one of those strange moments when everything felt related: anniversary of Dad's death, brilliant light in a beautiful, strange way, and my sister's voice just at the moment I wanted to talk with her.

March 15, 2009

Mom's Iris

Beautiful orchid-looking iris that only blooms for 24 hours. I was lucky to be at mom's house this morning to see it bloom.

Iris flower

Danny & Laikens Wedding

My cousin Danny got married to his girlfriend Laiken at the First Baptist Church in Golden. It was strange to be back in the old stomping grounds of my college years.

And weddings are funny things anyways. I'm situated in a room full of people and I don't recognize many of them. I'm not sure if I should Is that my second cousin, what's their name? The guilt at not recognizing your own family...

After seeing weddings from some Asian cultures, I try and see the festival through a foreigner's eyes. What would a Laos person think about all of this?

I get seated with the rest of the rowdy family members - in the corner. It was good to Corky and Carol and plan family camping trips for this summer. To see Betty, Susie, Norm and Brittany. How is it that I don't have a picture of her yellow pumps?!? Good to see Danette, Larry and Scooter. Ed and Karen and Joleen were all preoccupied with wedding stuff.

Susie & Betty at D&L Wedding

Somehow I don't have a single decent picture of Danny & Laiken. I'll post one when they send one to me.

March 14, 2009

Friday the 13th Tofu Burritos

Talked Yoxa and Brad into coming over to Sandie and Geir's place to celebrate Friday the 13th. I felt like I owed Y&B a dinner after they have taken such good care of me on so many occasions. I felt like S&G owed me a tofu burrito dinner since I've been craving one since I got back in the states and have yet to have them. Why not combine paying off your debts while someone else is cooking? Sounds brilliant to me.

Tasty tofu burritos followed by Mexican amaretto tequila and speed scrabble. Sounds like a wicked combination... Fortunately Brad feigned a cat allergy before I completely dominated in downing tequila and putting down scrabble pieces.

Good times everyone! We'll do it again.

November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

Images of Thanksgiving 2008. That's what Thanksgiving is to me: family, raspberry pie and playing cards.
Mom and Grandma at Thanksgiving raspberry pie

Scarfing down deviled eggs Thanksgiving card playin

Before & after.
Thanksgiving - Before Thanksgiving - After