August 19, 2007

B-day dinner at a Satsuma restaurant

Kagoshima SatsumaI ate at a really neat local restaurant last night, a traditional Kagoshima restaurant, that they call satsuma. It was delicious. Little raw silver fish called kibinago that you dip in vinegar miso sauce. Bonito sashimi that is eaten will a self-prepared garlic, onion and roe sauce. Fried fish paste called satsuma age. Tsukemono. Raw peanuts soaked in water; they tasted like they were just starting to sprout. A purple and white jelly made from sweet potatoes for dessert. The highlight was kurobuta tonkatsu (pork ribs) from local black pigs that was so tender it would fall into the bowl from the slightest nudge of a chopstick. Amazing!

I had so much fun with them they gave me a hand towel with the resto name on it as a present. The owner told me, in her best English, to think of them every time I washed myself - I don't think it translated quite right...

1 comment:

jaaso said...

They say travel can age you but a year 20 days? I'll never leave my house.

Happy birthday! I am enjoying checking in on the trip. It seems like such a change in reality, even from the blog. Take care bud.