March 19, 2008

tastes like popcorn

Day two in Bureerum village the gang set out again. Doan drove the pickup with the six of us riding in the back sweating like it was a sauna. We stopped at a market on the outskirts of town, and now I understand why they wouldn't let me out of the truck to explore. They wanted to break me...

Eating fried crickets The road trip snack for the day was fried crickets. Tastes like popcorn. And that's how Thai people eat them, by the handful like popcorn!

I have to admit my stomach did the "are you sure you want to do this" flip-flop as I put the first squeaky jumper in my mouth. They actually do taste like popcorn... Well, I suppose anything fried in oil and doused with salt tastes like popcorn...

But by the time we had reached our destination I was eating the tasty little buggers by the handful too...


Sancho said...

mmmm, MM! Really, high protein popcorn! Do they keep well for the trail?

This one made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

hi justin!!
I'm Mizuho.How are you?
I'm fine. I looked your blog.
It's very nice and very interesting.
Have a good day.
