September 20, 2008

Tsukiji Market

Tsukiji Market The world famous Tsukiji Seafood Market with warehouse after warehouse of Styrofoam boxes of fish and row after row of fishmongers. Rubber boots, fish saws and the smells of fresh fish abound. Mariko took me there later morning so the craziness of the morning shipments had worn off and the vendors were happy to chat with us.

There is some political pressure to move the market to a new location so I was glad to see it before it moves.

As anyone who has been to the Tsukiji Market knows, the real beauty of the market is the sushi shops nearby with the freshest sushi in the world. So of course we stopped for lunch. Amazing doesn't do it justice. Wow that was good sushi.

A great way to spend my last full day in Japan, thanks Mariko.

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