November 20, 2007

Tokyo Ramen

Tokyo ramen This is what multicolored Tokyo ramen looks like. Delicious eh? Not really, it is actually quite difficult to swallow. The locals don't call it ramen they actually call it "the subway".

My last two days in Japan I trolled the streets of Tokyo for supplies before I leave for Bangkok. Now that I am an expert in Japanese language, with all of the 50 words I know, navigating Tokyo (and the subway system) should now be easy. Wrong! Its just as difficult in Japanese as it is without.

But I survived... Now armed with a new journal full of empty white pages and a ticket from Bangkok to Luang Prabang airport I am set! SE Asia, here I come...

What a wonderful experience Japan has been. If anything stands out, it was the incredible hospitality. Thank you. I only hope that the USA can return the favor for you some day in the future. I will be back to slurp ramen noodles again...

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